Jun 10, 2009

Learning to Shoot with Remotes Up North

With the intentions to shoot a car fire at the Mormon Lake Fire Station, Mark and I were pretty bummed when we discovered they weren't going to light it do to the high winds. However that didn't stop us from taking millions of photos! Never riding on an UTV before, Mark was very eager to hit the back trails on the 'Man Buggie.' Although first he had to teach me how to use and mount a remote camera.


Assuming you have all the proper equipment, it's very easy to mount a camera. And makes for some great shots most people wouldn't get or think of doing.

Test shot that turned out being super cute of me!


An unexpected u -turn...


So basically the camera is mounted anywhere, then you use a remote to snap the actual photo. If you look in my hand in the lower center of the frame, you can see the cord that we used to take the actual photo.

Hold On

Round 2 : Greer

Driving in Greer with a camera mounted to the car was much different then cruising the back trails in the forest. Especially during Greer Days!!


Shooting in the evening allowed for Mark to adjust the camera with a slower shutter speed to create a bit of a blur driving down the street. Although this made it much harder to get a nicely exposed photo that wasn't too dark, especially though the trees, but that's why he has to take a bunch of photos to increase your odds...He must get lucky a lot.

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